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​How to choose the right scaffolding coupler?

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​How to choose the right scaffolding coupler?

The invention of scaffolding greatly improved the convenience, speed and safety of construction. However, with regard to the key parts of the scaffolding, the knowledge of the scaffolding coupler is generally not known to the public. For example, how to choose right scaffolding coupler? This is the work that must be done before using the scaffolding coupler. This article will show you how to choose the right scaffolding coupler.


The idea of this paper is as follows:

What is a scaffolding coupler?

What are the types of scaffolding couplers?

How to choose the right scaffolding coupler?


What is a scaffolding coupler?

Scaffolding couplers are basically the basic components used to assemble steel pipe fastener scaffolding. Scaffolding joints are mounted on the scaffolding pipes to hold the struts in place. Depending on the structural application of the required support tubes and fittings, they support the interior to the internal struts or the internal to external struts by means of fixed or rotating fittings. The coupler works by creating a straight line or an angle to ensure that the rest of the scaffold is securely held in a structurally stable position. In general, these products are rotated at a standard 90-degree angle and centered to provide additional support for the scaffolding.


What are the types of scaffolding couplers?

1. Rectangular couplers. In buildings, rectangular couplers are standard in adding transformers.

2. Rotate the connector. They are very handy when creating custom angles, which means they can connect two pipes at any angle. The scaffolding rotary coupler can be used to properly secure the connection between the two tubes.

3. Pratt coupler. Some people call it a single hook, which is mainly used for lateral joints and crosspieces to strengthen the scaffolding. These types of couplings are generally considered to be the scaffolding for light activities because they cannot withstand so much weight.

4. Sleeve coupling. These are primarily designed to connect two scaffolding pipes externally at both ends. They are important where tensioning joints are required, so they can be effectively used for long support and classification of pipes.


How to choose the right scaffolding coupler?

Considering the important role of scaffolding couplers in architecture, the couplers you choose must have the following characteristics:

1. strong and sturdy. The coupler is designed with a hard material for better support and longer life. Most couplers are made of steel. Steel is one of the hardest metals in the world. In addition, they can be galvanized to prevent corrosion and corrosion even under harsh atmospheric conditions.

2. Quality mark. With the diversity of counterfeit goods on the market today, determining the best quality can sometimes be challenging. The supplier's certification is basically a document showing the specifications of each scaffolding coupler, including the label, date of manufacture and user manual.

3. Low cost coupler. Cost is another important factor to consider when choosing scaffolding couplers. We know that budgets often vary from project to project, which means you need a price that matches your funding limits.


Choosing a qualified scaffolding coupler is critical to the safety of the person using the scaffolding, so be sure to check that they are carefully tested before purchasing the scaffolding coupler. If you need durable, well-tested and reasonably priced scaffold couplers, Golden Resource can provide you with the perfect product.


  No.2 Haihui Road,Shuixi Village,Shuikou Town,Laian County,Chuzhou City,Anhui Province,P.R.China

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