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​How much weight can a scaffold coupler hold?

How much weight can a scaffold coupler hold?Scaffolding can be convenient for high-rise construction, but also can be used for the transfer, transportation, temporary stacking of construction materials, which requires scaffolding to have a certain bearing capacity. A scaffold coupler is an important

2021 09-03
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​How much weight can a scaffold coupler hold?

How much weight can a scaffold coupler hold?Scaffolding can be convenient for high-rise construction, but also can be used for the transfer, transportation, temporary stacking of construction materials, which requires scaffolding to have a certain bearing capacity. A scaffold coupler is an important

2021 09-03
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​How much weight can a scaffold coupler hold?

How much weight can a scaffold coupler hold?Scaffolding can be convenient for high-rise construction, but also can be used for the transfer, transportation, temporary stacking of construction materials, which requires scaffolding to have a certain bearing capacity. A scaffold coupler is an important

2021 09-03


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